Here Comes Everybody: Boosting Residential Solar Financing with Crowdfunding Models in Thailand
Thailand has abundant solar resources, but its utilization of solar energy falls short of its potential. This report explores crowdfunding as an alternative financing mechanism to bridge gaps in residential solar photovoltaic (PV) funding.
We propose several financing models tailored to the Thai context, including Pay-As-You-Save (PAYS), which enables consumers to install solar PV systems without upfront costs by repaying through savings on their energy bills; residential solar rooftop portfolios that aggregate installations to improve financial viability; partnerships with real estate developers to integrate solar PV into new housing projects; on-bill financing (OBF) that allows repayment of installation costs via utility bills; off-grid Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) options offering flexible payment plans for off-grid communities to enhance electricity access; and rooftop PV for public buildings, utilizing public infrastructure for solar installations that benefit communities.
These models aim to eliminate high upfront costs and attract impact investors but require strong policy support to succeed. We recommend enhancing financial incentives, adopting net metering policies, implementing credit guarantee schemes, streamlining administrative processes, and liberalizing the electricity market. By adopting these strategies, Thailand can unlock its solar potential, achieve renewable energy goals, and promote a just energy transition.